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Retail Trading Fee Structure

For digital assets (excl. stablecoins), the following fee schedule applies:

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 1.02.19 PM.png

For stablecoins pairs (USDC/USD, USDT/USD etc), the following fee schedule applies

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 1.15.29 PM.png

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the fee calculated?

Fee is determined each day based on past 30-day volume traded in USD

Where does BitGo source liquidity from?

BitGo’s trading platform sources liquidity from a global network of top tier market makers and exchanges, offering deep liquidity and minimal slippage. BitGo does not control pricing for any asset listed on its platform.

How does BitGo charge fees for trade execution?

BitGo provides an all in price, the fee is baked into the trade execution price. 

Can BitGo revise its fee schedule?

BitGo reserves the right to revise the fee schedule.

What are the fees?

Fiat: Withdraw via Wire ($30) or ACH [U.S. only] ($1) per transfer.

Digital Asset: Trade USD for stablecoins (up to 10 bps) or other assets (up to 50 bps).

Fees vary based on jurisdiction.